Scaling Career Preparation Courses across South East Asia
“58% of Americans regret not having worked with a career services professional in the past.” — Working Americans' Perceptions of Career Development: The 2021 NCDA Harris Poll Results
I wonder what's the % for Singapore and South East Asia.
Recently we've seen how career guidance can help* in various ways - improving mental health by reducing stress and increase coping skills. However, much of the interventions are 1:1 or small group.
We've been thinking -- How might we scale human centred career guidance to large groups of people?
This December, we’re partnering with Kinobi Asia to provide quality career courses to university students across South East Asia. Our first course that we’re launching is “Be a Job Search Jedi”. This course will include a discussion of the job search process from both the employer and job seeker’s point of view. Our goal is for job seekers to understand this process and the factors behind a successful job search. In our experience running live workshops for students, they often focus on themselves rather than what is needed from the perspective of employers.
We’re excited to partner with Kinobi as their mission is to create an ecosystem that can democratise education and access to career skills across Asia. Just yesterday, they’ve secured US$1m funding to grow Kinobi beyond their current 200,000 users.
Stay tuned for more career preparation courses on Kinobi!
*Strengthening Mental Health Through Effective Career Development, A Practitioner’s Guide — Dave E. Redekopp & Michael Huston